Designing an Expert Decision Making System in Career Planning: The Case of Banking System



Knowledge management is one of the new approaches in management discipline. This approach is changed with the current trends in information technology and artificial intelligence.
But, one of the most important thing that is neglected in this analysis is using of suitable tools such as expert system.
On the other hand, in human resources management domain, job career planning is very important subject.
In this study the review of expert system and its elements in job career is emphasis. In job career domain, the definitions and concepts are considered, and then with describing a case study, in banking system expert system design is considered. Affective variables consist of experience, education, prior position, personnel skills and on the job test are analyzed.
These variables are recognized by work group using, the basic variable are consist of promotion, stability, and notation. Job-database and personnel data based is designed they related to knowledge based-So, the job career path expert system is designed and it can be as consultant to manger for decision making.