A study on the Role of the Country's (Iran) Cooperation Fund and Banking System In Financing of Manufacturing Coopera-tive Firms



The purpose of the study is a comparative review of the role played by the country's cooperation fund from one hand, and the banking system from the other hand in financing manufacturing cooperative firms for their foundation and opening-up expenditures, and to finance their working capital and development plans. providing employment opportunities in cooperation sector, is among the legitimate expectations from credits provided by cooperation fund. The results of the study show the role played by the banking system in financing working capital requirements for the manufacturing cooperation firms and their development efforts, his more than the same role played by the country's cooperation fund. Though the role of the cooperation fund in financing the foundation of the manufacturing cooperation firms and their opening-up is more than the same role played by the banking system, however the difference was found not to be significant. The results show that relative to the cooperation fund, the credits provided by the banking system to the manufacturing cooperation firms for their foundation and opening-up, have been more effective in providing the employment opportunities based on physibility study. Nevertheless, none of the two financial institutions eredits, fulfilled the employment objectives based on the physibility studies. A survey on experts shows that the cooperation fund, compared to the banking system is subject to some strengths and weaknesses and is facing with some opportunities and threats. However it is possible to develop hopes with the future of cooperation fund considering structural reforms.
