The identification of Dimensions of Service Quality in Automobile Leasing Industry (A Case Study)



Nowadays, one of the emergent industries in local market of our coun-try is leasing industry, particularly automotive leasing industry. The recognition of dimensions of service quality and evaluation of cus-tomers' satisfaction as the most important index is a vital need of leas-ing organizations for enhancing performance.So far, researchers and theorists have presented diverse models for de-termining dimensions of service quality, but this study, against all oth-er studies on service quality which apply existing models such as SERVRQL, Grönroos, Johnston and so on, tries to make use of the process of foundation of these model, i.e. this paper concentrates on the stages of creation rather than the results. In this research, the process of model foundation is employed for the identification of di-mensions of service quality in automobile leasing industry. Different aspects of service quality that customers mention in focus groups are surveyed in six periods (through 6 seasons) and are classified using factor analysis technique and the dimensions of service quality is iden-tified. Dimensions of service quality include attentiveness, functio-nality, justice, care, and physical quality. Based on the findings of this research, these dimensions have significant effect on general Satisfac-tion of Customers.
