A Study of the Relationship between "Employees' Attitude, Perception and Motivation" and "Privatization Policies and Programs' Success



In the late 1970s, Thatcher's government in UK launched and used the privatization of state-owned enterprises as an instrument to help modernize the unproductive UK economy. Then, growing by an economic tide in 1990s, it was known as a very important tool in the process of economic change of world's different countries from planned and governmental economy toward liberal and market economy. The implementation of privatization policies and programs has not always been successful in world's different countries, even within one country. Unsuccessful policies and programs of privatization implies that there are many factors, such as structural, technological, and behavioral-human factors which affect privatization success, or the lack of it. If these factors are not considered by politicians and policy-makers of any country, or managers and decision-makers of each state-owned enter-prise, privatization will fail. In this research, the researcher took a behavioral approach to study the relationship between employees' atti-tude about privatization, their perception of it, and their motivation for implementing privatization policies and programs, and their success. Therefore, three state-owned enterprises – Iran's Forest, Ranges and Watershed Management Organization, Fisheries Organization, and Meat Organization are studied. The research results show that there is a significant relationship between employees' attitude about privatization, their perception of it, and their motivation for implementing privatization policies and programs, and their success. Therefore, it can argued that the success of privatization policies and programs depend on employees' knowledge about its objectives, their attitude toward it, its consistency with employees' value systems, its contribution to improvement and enhancement of theirs work life quality, and  assuring their job security. Furthermore, ANOVA and Sheffe tests results showed that there is a significant difference among studied organizations in their employees' perception of privatization, their attitude toward it, their motivation for implementing its policies and programs and their success. It implies that each organization should consider its own special conditions in implementing privatization policies and programs, and then, select a proper and appropriate privatization method, considering its organizational culture and structure, as well as developing economic equity. 
