Surveying Influence of Business Strategy, Generosity, and Environmental Mobility on Marketing Performance; Determining Marketing Audit Role (Case Study: Pharmaceutic Companies)



Scientific familiarity with different markets and positive and negative points of each institute involves periodic and permanent study of that institute’s performance. The tool for implementing this important procedure is marketing audit. Under marketing audit, position of company and quality of its progress can be understood. The purpose of this paper is developing a model of marketing audit outcomes. This is descriptive functional survey. Statistical population includes 1454 pharmaceutic companies. Sample volume was 285 companies using Morgan table and 325 electronic questionnaires were gathered by simple sampling. Its validity and reliability were measured and approved respectively by convergent and divergent validity as well as study of internal compatibility. Examining the hypotheses were done by structural equation model using SPSS software. In confidence level of 0.05 findings showed that: A) more environmental generosity refers to less marketing audit, B) environmental mobility alongside active business strategy plays important role in implementation of marketing audit, C) marketing audit can seriously affect company’s marketing performance, D) marketing audit is median in relation between environmental factors and marketing implementation.


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