Presenting a model for the success of knowledge-based and technology-based start-ups in Iran by focusing on the appropriateness of the idea and team



Entrepreneurship in the field of knowledge has numerous problems due to dramatic changes and environmental uncertainty; However, these firms are considered as precursor, and substantial progress in knowledge, economics and employment cannot be achieved unbeknownst to them. The idea and team of such businesses are key elements for the success of these firms. The current study was carried out to investigate the impact and appropriateness of idea and team elements on the success of knowledge-based and technology-based start-ups. Results were proved to be applicable and fundamental based on the data collection, obtaining from semi-structured and in-depth interviews with 21 professional entrepreneurs in Khorasan Razavi province. It was revealed that companies with knowledge-based ideas possess weak ties, high level of education, high experience in industry and low in entrepreneurship. To improve performance, a system on the basis of interpersonal communication improvement, behavioral resources increasing, and paying more attention to customer demand must be organized. However, in technology-based start-ups, members were shown strong ties, intermediate education, limited industry experience, and considerable entrepreneurship. So, they need to monitor the changes in technical area more accurately, make the goals clear, and increase the technical skills in order to improve performance.


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