The Impact of Customers' Perceived Justice on Service Recovery Satisfaction and Post-Purchase Behaviors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Business Management - Islamic Azad University - khorramshahr International Branch- khoozestan - Iran

2 Department of Commerce - Faculty of Management - Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch


Considering the high rate of customer dissatisfaction with banking services, the issue of service recovery is a clear example in the country's banking sector. Service recovery shows the reaction of banks when a problem occurs. This study aims to study the impact of the perceived justice of bank customers on satisfaction with service recovery and post-purchase behaviors. This research is an applied study that was conducted with a descriptive-survey approach. The statistical population is all customers who receive banking services (unlimited population), from which a sample of 409 people has been selected as a statistical sample using SAMPLE-POWER software. In this study, an adapted questionnaire was used to collect information. It is worth mentioning that the validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed. The partial least squares technique and SmartPLS software were used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that distributive, procedural, interactive, and informational justice has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction with service recovery; Satisfaction with service recovery has a positive and significant effect on customer trust, recommended advertising, and repurchase intention; Trust has a positive and direct impact on recommendation advertising and repurchase intention; Service recovery satisfaction through trust influences recommendation advertising and repurchase intention; It was also found that satisfaction with service recovery has a positive and direct impact on brand credibility and customer-based brand equity.


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