A Systematic Review of Competitive Strategy Studies in the Transportation Industry and Providing a Conceptual Framework

Document Type : مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری


1 Business Management Department/ Management Faculty/ Khoramshahr University

2 Business Management

3 Transportation Department/ Engineer Faculty/ Chabahar University


Since the late 1990s, the number of articles dealing with the topic of competition has been increasing. This increase has been in response to the growing prevalence of co-competitive relationships in many industries. Different researchers in the field of competition have addressed this issue from very different perspectives and based their research on theoretical frameworks, types of analysis, methods, and different goals. This article deals with a systematic review of the articles that have been published in the last 26 years in the field of competition. First, it identifies the dimensions and components of the competitive strategy, then the dimensions and components of the specific competitive strategy of the transportation industry, and finally provides the framework of the competitive strategy. For this purpose, by searching and retrieving studies from six valid foreign and domestic databases, 1472 articles were identified and screened by non-inclusion criteria. Finally, only 190 articles were selected for review. Out of all the reviewed articles, 14 articles were related to competitive literature in the field of the transportation industry. Competitive strategy is a new subject areaseveralof industries very quickly got acquainted with its literature and entered the business space. But the transportation industry is one of the industries that has entered the field of competitive strategy in the last decade (2010 onwards) and has grown significantly in the last three years. The results show that the international and capital-intensive nature of the transportation industry leads companies to adopt a competitive strategy. Furthermore, the cooperation of competing transport companies will have positive consequences such as reducing service delivery time, service rates, and traffic.


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