The Presentation and Clarification



  Motivation at work is a multiple phenomenon which can not be evaluated by a single variable, directly.   Motivation at work is concerned with internal and external variables which determine, initiation, form, direction, intensity and duration of the work.   Furthermore, personnel’s motivation for work originates from complexity of the individuals’ personalities, nature of the work and the characteristics of the work environment.   Although, several different theories have been offered for explication, justification, explanation and control of different aspect of the motivation process, most theories are not adequate enough to cover all humane existential aspects and they do not offer a theorical comprehensive framework which can motivate employees to perform their duties.   In this paper an attempt has been made to formulate a relatively comprehensive model of employees motivation with individual existential social, mental, spiritual aspects, in an organization, that is designed as “Motivating model based on employees’ spirituality”.   This model has four dimensions: Superpersonal, intrapersonal, interpersonal, exopersonal with their indicatives as “spirituality”.   In other words, “spirituality” is defined through a humane quadruple relationship connection with God, self-relation, interaction with others and interaction with environment, which are all concerned with human’s existential aspects, i.e, the superpersonal relationship with spiritual aspect, interapersonal with mental aspect, intrapersonal with social aspect, exopersonal with life aspect.   Furthermore, these quadruple communication lead to meaningful action, goaloriented action, self actualization at work and integration in the work environment and ultimately cause all motivated employees to perform their work well.   According to the researches conducted at two levels of professors and staffs of Tehran university to examine the model assumptions of path analysis method and factor analysis, the staffs believed that interpersonal and exopersonal relations motivated them to work, while, the super personal and interpersonalrelationships had no effect on them.  
