The Correlation Between Super Personal Relationship And Organizational Commitment



The new subjects in the domain of organizational behavior are the concepts of spirituality and super personal relationship. The definition of super personal relationship is the relation and link to GOD that appears in the form of pantheism, panentheism, God agency and transactional relationship with God. On the other hand, organizational commitment is explanatory of loyalty of personnel to organization and their participation in organizational achievement. Hence, in this research the concept of super personal relationship and its relationship with organizational commitment has been investigated. Pursuing this relationship is a brand new subject which has not been under investigation in Iran up to now. In this research 89 questionnaires were distributed among the statistical community and were collected and then the results were analyzed by SPSS software. The results obtained from the Spearman Correlation Test reveal that there is a meaningful positive relationship between super personal relationship and organizational commitment. In fact, there is a meaningful positive relationship between organizational commitment variable and aspects of pantheism, panentheism, God agency and transactional relationship with God. Also the results obtained from the T test and One Way Anova show that there is no positive relationship between super personal relationship and gender, marital status and level of education. Furthermore, the results obtained from Friedman test show that components of pantheism have the highest and the components of transactional relationship with God have the lowest rank among all components.
