The relationship between brand value and performance of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange



The value of a brand is said to be worthy of the inherent value of a well-known brand. This value occurs when customers, due to the attractiveness of the attached name to a product, pay more and more money to a product of equal quality. Sometimes the estimated value of a company's brand is a significant share of the company's physical asset value. In this research, it has been attempted to identify the relationship between brand value and the performance of companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by using company-centric approach and applying actual data. By studying the literature of the subject and the patterns and results of previous researches, four hypotheses are proportional to the four main factors affecting the brand value of the companies. By applying the model of the unpopular data panel, during the six-year period, 594 observations from 99 companies the test is carried out. The results show that advertising intensity, company life, market share and brand life have a positive effect on brand value.


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