A Model of International Marketing Strategic Implementation in the Downstream Sector of Iran’s Petroleum Industry



   Purpose and Necessity of Research: Given that at the strategic level a model for implementing international marketing strategies was not observed, it is necessary to classify the issues raised in international marketing in order to provide a reference model to define the position in the area of ​​strategic and operational issues of this function based on it, to create alignment and synergy in export performance.
   Research Methodology: Given that this research has defined a strategic model for international marketing strategy, it is a developmental research perspective and the research strategy is survey. The level of analysis in this research is organization. The data gathering tool for export performance is external secondary data included Industrial Management Organization reports on top 500 companies and performance reports of each of the organization. Strategic reference points theory for strategic alignment and the fuzzy approach based on proximity theory were applied.
   Research conclusions: The results indicate that, firstly, there is a positive and high correlation between the variables of alignment and export performance, and the vertical alignment variable has a direct effect on export performance, but the horizontal alignment variables and product groups have a moderating effect. Second, the effect of the vertical alignment variable on export performance is greater. Third, the strategic reference points pattern provides an appropriate operational guide for each of the strategies chosen by the organization at the implementation and control level, so that international market logic planning, execution and strategic market control are matched with the prescription and facilitates strategies internationally.


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