Analyzing the Effect of Export Experience, Export Commitment and Export Marketing Capability on Export Performance with the Moderating Effect of Marketing Strategy Implementation Effectiveness in SMEs.

Document Type : Original Article



Export performance is a very important issue for exporting managers, particularly those in services industries. One of the main reasons for this degree of importance is that export performance will have a lot of positive outcomes for organizations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of export experience and export commitment towards marketing capabilities and marketing capabilities toward effectiveness strategy implementation and export performance with the effect of dysfunctional competition. A cross-sectional research design, drawing upon a questionnaire survey has been employed to collect data from a sample of 83 people of Isfahan’s selected manager’s company. The content validity of the questionnaires has been confirmed by experts opinion and construct validity has been confirmed using factor analysis. In addition, the reliability of the questionnaires has been confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method. To test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling has been used.
The results revealed that export experience, export commitment, towards marketing capabilities influenced significantly. And marketing capabilities towards effectiveness strategy implementation and export performance influenced. In addition, effectiveness strategy implementation towards export performance not positively influenced. Dysfunctional competition toward export performance influenced. This study contributes to the literature of export performance in the exporting management by being the first to investigate the simultaneous impact of export experience, export commitment and marketing capabilities on effectiveness strstegy implementation and through it affect export performance.


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