Designing and Explaining the International Entrepreneurial Marketing Model for Banking Services Startups

Document Type : Original Article



The aim of this study was to design and explain the international entrepreneurial marketing model for banking service startups.First, using the qualitative method of theme analysis, dimensions and components related to the international entrepreneurial marketing model were identified and a research questionnaire was designed and the international entrepreneurship marketing model was used to measure and test.In this section, statistical software SPSS 21 and SMART PLS were used.On the other hand, the statistical population and sampling were identified in two parts.In the qualitative part of the statistical community consisting of academic experts familiar with the subject of research and sampling method is also the method of snowball. The statistical community in the quantitative department consisted of managers and supervisors of companies active in the field of banking service start-ups that sampling was done in an accessible way. The research model is based on 4 factors: connectivity, environmental capability, innovation orientation capability and market-oriented capability that after measuring the model, all paths between the variables in the model were confirmed and significant at 95% confidence level. The highest path coefficients are related to the environmental factor relationship and international entrepreneurial marketing, ,market-oriented agent relationship and international entrepreneurial marketing.


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