The Factors of affecting on Value Co-Creation Motivations in Business to Business Relations

Document Type : Original Article



Today, in order to interact with the new competitive environment, firms have changed their view from product-oriented or company-oriented tovalue-oriented, and in this change of perspective, In order to investigate these factors, extensive and scatteredstudies have been conducted that the analysis and deployment of them requires the integration of the findings. Therefore, the present study seeks to achieve a comprehensive model of factors affecting the motivations of value cocreation in the relationship between the business to business. Since the studies related to co-creation motivation are more than qualitative research, the meta-synthesis method was selected and due to the comprehensiveness of the seven-step model of Sandelowski and Barroso(2007).this model was used to conduct the research stages.The process of searching and selecting appropriate and relevant articles based on the Critical Appraisal Skills Program was performed until 2020, and over 202 studies were reviewed, of which 34 studies were finally selected for analysis.The validity of the present study is theoretical validity and also Kappa Cohen test was used to measure the reliability.Findings were extracted in the form of 94 codes,18 Basic Themes and 4 Organizing Themes. The results showed that the factors affecting the motivations of co-creation are classified into:(1)Factors related to the supplier:marketing management, product development, organization, organizational culture, communication structure, resources and organizational roles. (2)Factors related to the customer: Senior managers' personality traits, learning, resources, and customer role.(3)Factors related to co-creators (participants)interactive structure, behavioral characteristics, resource structure, knowledge and value.(4) Factors related to the co-creation platform:including service systems and value propositions.


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