Systematic and Strategic Review of the Effectiveness of Brand DNA on Brand Authenticity Using Meta-Analysis Approach

Document Type : Original Article




Brand DNA emphasizes the definition of a brand as a living thing. The main components of this concept include vision, brand mission, brand values, brand commitment, brand position and brand personality. Therefore, conducting research that tests the results of research on brand DNA and brand authenticity in a systematic and scientific manner and provides researchers with it, is of great importance.Despite the increasing use of this method, in scientific articles, but still no research has been done in the field of brand DNA and brand authenticity, and to address the lack of theoretical literature, research in this field has been done..This research, using a meta-analysis to analyze the researchers conducted between 1998 and 2018 in the field of Brand Authencity and D.N.Brand studies. The study population included all the Thomson Reuters Articles printed in the database that were available to researchers. In total, 81 studies were selected and finally, 21 article that has 8 common hypotheses with the different result was selected taken into analysis by CMA2 software. Based on the results, Q statistical significance shows that the effect sizes were derived through studies of the meta-analysis are heterogeneous so to deal with this heterogeneity should be categorized and analyzed separately. Q meaningful statistic also states that the random-effects model meta-analysis compared with fixed effect model Also. Based on Erwin and Rosenthal's model the studies of a meta-analysis are resistant in contrast publication bias.


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