Document Type : Original Article
1. Associate Professor, Business Management, Faculty of Business and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
Master student of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
Aim and Introduction: Today, amid a turbulent and complex business environment, organizations face the challenge of obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage, making it a top priority. Therefore, developing certain skills within the organization can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage. Factors such as technology cannot guarantee the long-term success of an organization or create a sustainable competitive advantage, as they can be easily imitated by competitors. But some skills, such as strategic thinking, are not easily replicated by competitors. Strategic thinking is an inimitable skill that, when utilized by managers, can enhance their analytical and intuitive decision-making abilities. This skill can assist them in overcoming challenges in a competitive environment. Strategic thinking is a skill that helps managers to engage in creative, forward-looking, and systematic thinking. Therefore, according to Iran's business environment, the development of this skill is a requirement for industrial managers. Iran's pistachio is one of the country's major export items, consistently holding the largest share in Iran's non-oil export portfolio and contributing significantly to the country's foreign currency earnings. In this regard, the current research aims to identify the factors that influence the development of strategic thinking in Iran's pistachio industry and provide a structural-interpretive model of these factors.
Methodology: This research is practical in terms of its purpose and in terms of gathering qualitative and quantitative information. The statistical population consists of all experts in the pistachio industry in Iran. To conduct this research, the first step involved studying the existing research literature and then conducting interviews with 18 industry experts. Through this qualitative approach, the factors influencing the development of strategic thinking in Iran's pistachio industry were identified and validated by the experts. In the quantitative part, a questionnaire was distributed among the experts to compile the SSIM matrix. After completing the steps of the ISM method, the initial and final reachability matrix was extracted. Then, based on the final reachability matrix, the research components were categorized, and the structural-interpretive model of the factors was finally extracted. Also, Micmac analysis was presented based on the variables of influence and dependence.
Findings: Based on the findings of this research, the factors influencing strategic thinking in the pistachio industry were categorized and presented in 61 open codes, 11 components, and 3 main categories. Furthermore, the results of ISM analysis have classified these factors into three levels. Appropriate organizational structure and effective governance, robust domestic and global marketing and advertising strategies, technological advancements and innovation in the industry, and the cultivation of skilled and dedicated human resources are key factors in driving organizational development and transforming the governance practices of beneficiary organizations. Domestic and international competition, as well as the political and legal conditions of the country, are categories related to
environmental changes and opportunism. On the other hand, the development of intuitive thinking, the creation of a scientific attitude, the development of a strategic perspective, the acquisition of strategic management knowledge, and the development of systemic thinking are categories related to the personal development of managers. The results indicate that the dimension of personal development of managers is at the highest level and has a significant influence and the greatest dependence. The dimension of structural changes and governance is at a moderate level, while the dimension of environmental changes is at the lowest level and has a significant influence and the least dependence. Therefore, managers should prioritize addressing environmental changes.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this research indicate that there are other factors within the context of two environmental components: domestic and foreign competition, and the political and legal conditions of the country. This result shows that these two components have a significant impact on the attitudes of managers and the way organizations in the pistachio industry are operated. In this situation, managers should have sufficient information about the competitive conditions in the global arena to make accurate long-term decisions and plans for the pistachio industry. Also, the political conditions and complexities of product production and export in the country are among the underlying factors influencing strategic thinking in the pistachio industry. Sanctions, inflation rates, obstacles to production and export, crude sales, and other political and legal issues form the basis of numerous factors. According to the results, after examining the environmental and surrounding conditions of the pistachio industry, action should be taken in the area of organizational changes for companies and organizations interested in this industry. Creating appropriate and efficient structures, establishing a robust marketing, advertising, and sales force to cater to international markets, leveraging technology and research and development in production and processing, and promoting employee involvement in organizational planning and decision-making are factors that fall under the second level. The model is located. Organizational changes will lay the necessary groundwork for implementing micro strategies at the company level and macro strategies at the industry level. This will enable us to progress towards our goals in the near and distant future under the most optimal conditions. Finally, the development of individual managerial skills is considered the primary level in the model, as it has the most significant influence on other factors. Improving managerial knowledge, developing skills such as systemic thinking and foresight, and having an intuitive and strategic perspective are among the individual factors that help pistachio industry managers make optimal decisions in today's turbulent and competitive environment. These factors also enable them to overcome bottlenecks through appropriate planning and strategies, ultimately saving the pistachio industry from the danger of destruction. Based on the results of the MICMAC analysis, the factors that are placed in the linked area have a leverage effect. This means that even the smallest influence from these factors can have significant results in the entire system. Organizational structure, governance, political and legal factors, attitudes, scientific knowledge, and strategic mindset are among the interconnected factors. Pistachio industry managers should pay special attention to these factors to enhance the overall performance of their industry and organization.