The Relation Between Organizational Commitment, Supervisor And Coworker Satisfaction And Tendency To Quit With Emphasis On Job Alternatives As A Mediator Variable



This research was administered with the aim of studying the mediating role of job alternatives in relations between organizational commitment dimensions, supervisor and coworker’s satisfaction and tendency to quit among personnel of companies which are connected to the refinery and delivery of oil products company (13 companies). From the above mentioned statistical population, 3381 persons were selected to answer research questionnaires. Research questionnaires were: organizational commitment with 9 items (including three subscales, identification commitment, affiliation commitment and exchange commitment), job alternatives with 2 items, intention to quit with 2 items, supervisor satisfaction with 8 items and coworker satisfaction with 10 items. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and mediating regression analysis. Results showed that job alternative plays the partial mediation role in relation between identification commitment, exchange commitment and affiliation commitment and intention to quit. But the results of mediating regression showed that job alternatives have not mediating role in relation between supervisor and coworker satisfaction and intention to quit. Evidences of this research revealed that the diminishing effect of organizational commitment (on the basis of negative regression coefficient) on intention to quit is weaken in presence of job alternatives.
