The study of the Effect of dynamic capabilities on organizational performance by mediating marketing and technical capabilities and examining the modrated role of environmental change



Capabilities are the main factor in the competitiveness of companies in today's business environment. The present study provides a framework for investigating the causal relationships between capabilities (dynamic and operational) and its functional results. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dynamic capabilities on operational capabilities and performance with the role of moderating environmental changes. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey method. The statistical population is the managers and sales staff of dairy companies in Mashhad. samples of 226 people were selected based on Cochran's formula and available sampling method. A questionnaire with 40 questions was used to collect data. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability and its validity was verified with convergent and divergent validity. In order to investigate the research hypotheses, structural equation model and least squares approach were used. The results show that dynamic capabilities (sensing and Reorganization) affect operational capabilities and operational capabilities (marketing and technical) on company performance. The effects of Sensing on re-configuration, marketing capability and technical capability were equal to (0.44), (0.3) and (0.16) respectively, which had the greatest impact on re-configuration. The effect of re-configuration on marketing and operational capabilities was equal to (0.52) and (0.57) respectively.The effect of marketing capability and technical capability on performance was (0.26) and (0.21). It also examines the role of moderating environmental changes (rivals, technicians and markets) in the relationship between variables in the model, which was confirmed in some relationships. At the end, solutions were introduced to improve the performance of these companies. Market turbulant moderated the configuration relationship with operational capabilities (marketing and technical). The technical turbulant moderated the relationship between sensing with configuration and market capability  with technical capability configuration. Competition turbulence moderated the relationship between sensing with marketing capability and  reconfiguration  with technical capability.


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