Investigation of indirect role of prediction of customer value, customer satisfaction, and direct role of customer value creation and loyalty on organization position in competition market: experimental study (under study: Iranian civil companies)



Organizations in addition to creating and delivering value to their customers, so that while they satisfy their customers, they can also make profit from it. Many researches have been conducted about predicting the customer value and in some of them, the customer lifespan and the customer value have been discussed, though the combination of these two is a new work. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the connection of customer value, satisfaction, loyalty and valuation and finally the organization position in competition market. In this research, the civil companies were chosen in the second half of 2015 , it was studied based on purposeful subjects. Then, after studying research literature and interviewing with 6 individuals of professors and experts, an existing model of customer value generation extracted from a research conducted in 2010 were used and two variables were added to this model and 7 hypotheses were tested. After the distribution of the conducted questionnaires among 130 civil companies in Iran and gathering 70 filled questionnaires and analyzing the structural equations of basic variance through PLS software, it was indicated that the capability and coolness have a deep impact on predicting the costumer value. Customer value generation and customer satisfaction also have an enormous impact on customer loyalty. Finally, customer value generation and loyalty effect the organization position in competition market as two separate factors.


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