Investigating the influence of exploitation and exploration activities on performance through product and service innovation in manufacturing companies
Abstract So an organization needs strategic ambidexterity and consequently Increasing the efficiency and productivity of companies in order to survive, grow, Performance improvements, Product-service innovation, and the Possibility of competitiveness in today's dynamic environment. To maximize firm’s performance, Product-service innovation must be developed through a sequential Exploitation-Exploration pathway. To do so, initially, reviewing the literature, the conceptual model of this study was extracted, and then in order to analyze the research model and hypotheses, we examined 333 industrial firms in Isfahan city. For the validity of this questionnaire, the comments of professors and experts were used. For reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used and its value was determined to be 0.941. Path analysis method was used to analyze the data. According to the research model, data analysis indicates the existence of a positive and significant effect of exploitation and exploration on performance through product and service innovation and the mediating role of exploration in the impact of exploitation on performance Also, there is a positive and significant effect of exploitation activities in manufacturing companies developing product and service innovation on exploration activities and a positive and significant effect of product and service innovation on performance. The results showed that there is an optimal sequential Exploitation Exploration pathway in product and service innovation and exploitation-exploration pathway and the path to achieving profitable product and service innovation begins with the use of existing resources and capabilities of the firm and is followed by exploration to determine and develop appropriate technological applications.
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Abedini, H., Yazdani, N. (2022). 'Investigating the influence of exploitation and exploration activities on performance through product and service innovation in manufacturing companies', Commercial Strategies, 18(18), pp. 66-86. doi: 10.22070/cs.2022.16500.1238
Abedini, H., Yazdani, N. Investigating the influence of exploitation and exploration activities on performance through product and service innovation in manufacturing companies. Commercial Strategies, 2022; 18(18): 66-86. doi: 10.22070/cs.2022.16500.1238