Designing and evaluating the effects of richness and interactivity of website in the purchase process from online store

Document Type : مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری


1 PHD student/Allameh Tabatabai university

2 Assistant Professor of Management/Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 full Profesor of management/Allameh Tabatabai university

4 Associate Professor of management /Allameh Tabatabai university


In today's virtual world, paying attention to the best features in website design can not only guarantee the survival of the online store, but can also make it an effective member of the family that has a caring and advisory view. Meanwhile, the richness and interactivity of the website are among the features that have important effects on consumer perception. This research aims to develop and test a model based on these characteristics that can explain the consumer support intention of online store. This research has been done in two parts, qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative part, after interviewing the experts, the theme analysis approach was used to analyze the data, and after the coding process and preparation of the contents table, the conceptual model test was prepared. In the quantitative part, after confirming the reliability and validity of the measurement model, the structural equation model was tested. Criteria R2, Q2 and GOF well confirmed the overall fit of the model. Also, based on T-value values, all path coefficients and factor loads were significant at 95% confidence level, which indicates the confirmation of the structural model and all relationships between variables. Based on the results, online stores with proper design and management of richness and interactivity features can provide the necessary conditions to create a sense of consumer informedness and stickiness through understanding usefulness, pleasure, amount of search, and environment-based in information acquisition, so that the consequence is consumer support for the future sale of the website


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