Modeling the Impact of Nostalgia on Branding (TISM Approach)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor. and Chairman, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Research Center, Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.


Aim and Introduction
In today's competitive landscape, one effective strategy for increasing sales is to focus on branding. The nature of competition has made organizations more attuned to the importance of branding and differentiating themselves from their competitors. Effective branding can foster a strong emotional connection with consumers, enabling organizations to achieve their objectives. Understanding consumer preferences and developing an appropriate brand strategy has made branding a critical issue. Successful branding should create a positive and accurate image in the minds of consumers. This brand image significantly influences consumer behavior and interactions, including purchasing decisions and recommendations to others. When this imagery is coupled with the evocation of feelings and emotions, and aligns with the brand's identity, it can lead to even more favorable outcomes. In this context, nostalgic branding can address the needs, feelings, and emotions of consumers by evoking memories of the past, which can lead to product purchases. Research has shown that nostalgia enhances positive feelings and emotions in individuals. Kaplan asserted that the joy and pleasure induced by nostalgia influence consumers' preferences for a particular brand. Nostalgic tendencies are linked to consumers' emotional connections with the brand, shaping their priorities when selecting products and fostering positive thoughts and feelings associated with it by recalling fond memories from the past. Positives also foster a profound emotional connection with the brand. When selecting and favoring a brand, individuals engage in subjective evaluations alongside rational assessments. Brands that can cultivate strong emotional ties with consumers will not only possess the capacity to create brand heritage but also enhance customer loyalty. They also increase their market share. Research has shown that people often choose brands over generic products. Additionally, individuals with an emotional attachment to a specific brand are more likely to purchase it, even if it comes at a higher price. Brands that embody components such as heritage, credibility, stability, and authenticity are gaining popularity and can alleviate stress and uncertainty for consumers by evoking memories of the past. This connection can also foster brand preference among consumers. For instance, Nokia successfully boosted its product sales after a significant decline by reintroducing its brand, rekindling past emotions, and establishing emotional connections. Today's markets are not merely arenas of product competition; they are battlegrounds for commercial brands. Brands that evoke nostalgia possess a unique and powerful connection with consumers that competitors find difficult to replicate, serving as a foundation for differentiation.
In the conditions of today's competitive markets, the reduction of the market share due to the existence of strong competitors and the existence of substitute products is considered as the most important issue facing commercial enterprises, which has also become one of their main concerns and according to the importance and orientation of consumers' preferences towards nostalgia, the present research tries to provide a comprehensive and comprehensive model in the field of the impact of nostalgia on branding, to help commercial enterprises to achieve a Competitive advantage helps to increase their market share. Therefore, the Aims of this research:
 -Identifying variables related to the effect of nostalgia on branding.
- Designing a model of the effects of nostalgia on branding using ISM and TISM techniques.
In this research, we identified the most significant variables related to the impact of nostalgia on branding by reviewing theoretical literature, examining relevant background information, and interviewing experts. Subsequently, we employed the fuzzy Delphi screening method to determine the relationships between these variables and their hierarchical levels through structural interpretive modeling. Additionally, we specified the indirect relationships among the variables using comprehensive structural interpretive modeling.
To implement the structural interpretative modeling technique, the following steps were undertaken: 1. Obtaining the structural matrix of the internal relationships among the variables; 2. Creating the consistent achievement matrix; 3. Determining the levels and priorities of the variables; 4. Constructing the model. In the implementation of the comprehensive structural interpretive modeling technique, an interactive matrix was formed to illustrate both direct and indirect relationships among the data. Subsequently, a direction-dependence power analysis (MIC-MAC) was conducted.
Discussion and Conclusion
The primary objective of this research is to develop a model that examines the impact of nostalgia on branding. To accomplish this, we conducted a thorough review of the relevant literature and consulted with experts in the field. As a result, twenty-three variables were identified. After applying the fuzzy Delphi technique to screen these variables, thirteen were retained. Subsequently, we employed the interpretive structuring modeling technique to categorize the variables into seven levels. For a more in-depth analysis and to clarify the indirect relationships among the variables, we utilized the comprehensive interpretive structural modeling technique.
According to the model, the foundational variables at the lowest level include variables serve as the cornerstone of the model, driving the system and fostering nostalgic tendencies in individuals.
These variables are regarded as significant guiding factors in branding that require greater attention. At the sixth level of the model, the variables of nostalgic attractions, nostalgic tendencies, and brand age are positioned. Nostalgic attractions include historical photographs (black and white), sepia tones (red-brown), beloved characters from childhood stories, childhood games, and more.


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