Thematic Analysis of Marketing Studies in The Islamic Context with a Meta-Synthesis Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran Iran

2 PhD in Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University ,Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Candidate in Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University ,Tehran, Iran.


Aim and Introduction: The halal food market is recognized as the largest and most diverse sector of the global Islamic economy, projected to exceed $1.9 trillion by 2023. Consequently, the significance of marketing within Islamic culture and the concept of Islamic marketing have gained prominence, making these markets increasingly attractive to both domestic and international commercial enterprises. Major multinational corporations have acknowledged the importance of establishing a presence in these markets and have been striving to secure a substantial share for a long time. Despite these developments and efforts, the concept of marketing and its strategies are not clear to Muslim consumers in particular. Considering the wide and numerous dimensions of Islamic marketing in domestic and foreign research, reaching a precise synthesis about this concept is one of the main goals. The present research is trying to study the research on marketing in Islamic culture done in the Islamic country of Iran by examining the issues and topics of the research. To examine the scope and effects of religion and religiosity (Islam) on marketing and highlight the possible directions of marketing in Islamic culture research in the future. Therefore, the current research, using the collection and analysis of research related to Islamic marketing, seeks to identify some issues.
Methodology: The statistical population of the current study comprises all articles accepted in Normagz, Magiran, SID, Civilika, and the comprehensive portal of the humanities. This research adopts a meta-study approach, which is particularly valuable in situations where scientific progress faces significant obstacles. Such circumstances often arise when it appears that advancements in a specific subject are stagnating. Consequently, a meta-study emerges as a response to the crises within scientific disciplines. It begins by identifying potential issues in primary studies and concludes with recommendations for addressing these challenges. A meta-study encompasses meta-data analysis, meta-theory, and meta-methodology. The data collection methods employed in this research include library studies and document reviews, focusing on existing articles in the fields of marketing and Islam. The current study aims to examine and analyze the issues raised in previous research on Islamic marketing, as well as the research methodologies utilized in those studies.
Findings: Based on the review of the publication trends of articles, there was a relatively upward trend until 1995, followed by a downward trend from 1995 to 2023. From the extracted themes, 25 indicators were identified across two main themes and six sub-themes, categorized under the fundamental topics of marketing (need and demand) and marketing management (marketing mix, microenvironment, types of marketing, and additional topics). The results indicate that the Islamic marketing mix (31.89%) and the concept of ethics in Islamic marketing (30.16%) received the most attention from the authors of the articles. Based on the obtained results, the Islamic marketing mix (31.89%) and the concept of ethics and Islamic marketing (30.16%) received the most attention from the authors of the articles. Based on the research done in the field of Islamic marketing, finally, all these areas can be divided into 5 areas: false need, marketing mix, types of marketing, need, desire, and demand, close environment, and other topics such as Islamic business, Islamic market, marketing in Islamic culture, market control, tradition of sustenance, and Islamic ethics. Based on the obtained results, most of the articles are those that examine issues related to ethics, and the authors have defined various ethical issues, including ethical business, ethical work, ethical marketing, and other issues in the field of ethics and marketing. Based on the collection of articles, the most complete and frequent definition of Islamic marketing is the process and strategy of meeting needs with halal products and services with the mutual consent of both parties, the seller and the buyer, to achieve material and spiritual well-being in this world. is the hereafter
Discussion and Conclusion: The concept of marketing within Islamic culture, as derived from a collection of selected articles, primarily revolves around three key themes: the provision of halal products and services to meet needs; the mutual satisfaction of both parties involved, namely the seller and the buyer; and the pursuit of both material and spiritual well-being. A notable aspect of the research review is the comparison between the values and principles of marketing from the Islamic perspective and those of capitalism. This comparison delineates the role of marketing in Islamic culture and distinguishes it from marketing practices in capitalist societies. In capitalist markets, the primary objective is to achieve material profit and personal gratification. Conversely, the Islamic market aims to fulfill needs as a pathway to human perfection. In capitalist marketing, the purpose of advertising is to capture attention and drive sales, ultimately leading to profit. In contrast, advertising in the Islamic market serves to inform consumers in order to secure halal profits. Ultimately, Islam emphasizes the importance of ethics as a fundamental duty for every believer, highlighting the necessity of understanding ethical considerations in market practices and business operations.


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