Explorative Model of Social Media Marketing Barriers in Iranian SMEs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Marketing Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Marketing Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, faculty of Management-University of Tehran, Iran.


Aim and introduction: social media has recently emerged as a prominent tool within the realm of marketing management. While it holds significant potential for small and medium-sized companies to leverage in their marketing strategies, these businesses have not fully tapped into the manifold capabilities of social media. Consequently, the primary objective of this study is to pinpoint and formulate a framework for the impediments encountered by Iranian small and medium enterprises when harnessing social media as a potent instrument in product marketing.
Methodology: This research adopts a mixed approach, combining in-depth interviews with key informants (KI) and interpretive structural modeling. The study begins by extracting the obstacles identified in previous research and those obtained through semi-structured interviews with KI. These obstacles are then thoroughly reviewed and finalized. Finally, the structural interpretive modeling method is employed to explain the patterns and models of obstacles in utilizing social media as an effective marketing tool for small and medium-sized companies. This approach visualizes connections and interactions within a system, providing insights into the interdependencies of elements (obstacles). It helps scholars understand how factors influence each other, enabling in-depth analyses and informed decision-making. Widely applicable across disciplines, it fosters critical thinking and systems-oriented approaches among scholars.
Finding: The main challenges for using and spreading marketing tools on social media platforms are legal restrictions, platform/device filtering mechanisms, and lack of government support. Companies often struggle to navigate complex regulatory environments and censorship on social media platforms, making it difficult for them to fully harness the potential marketing benefits these channels offer. In the absence of robust support from governmental bodies, businesses face an uphill battle in effectively leveraging social media for promotional purposes. To address these barriers, organizations must adopt a systematic and strategic approach. First and foremost, it is crucial for companies to provide comprehensive training and development programs to enhance employees' technical skills and knowledge of social media platforms. This will empower them to navigate the intricate regulatory landscapes and understand the limitations imposed by various censorship mechanisms. Additionally, clear guidelines and policies should be established to mitigate security risks and protect user privacy. By doing so, companies can ensure that their marketing efforts comply with legal restrictions while still reaching and engaging their target audience. Senior management also plays a pivotal role in overcoming these challenges. It is essential for them to actively support and invest in initiatives that leverage the advantages of social media. By allocating resources and promoting the adoption of innovative marketing strategies, senior leaders demonstrate their commitment to achieving business goals and staying ahead of the competition. Fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability within the organization is also instrumental in mitigating the challenges associated with social media marketing. Companies need to encourage their employees to think outside the box and constantly adapt their approaches to meet the ever-evolving demands of the industry. This proactive mindset will not only help businesses stay on top of emerging trends and technologies but also allow them to seize new opportunities and gain a competitive edge.
Furthermore, collaboration and knowledge-sharing among industry peers can be tremendously beneficial in overcoming these barriers. By establishing partnerships and participating in industry forums or conferences, companies can learn from one another's experiences and collectively work towards finding innovative solutions to the challenges of using marketing tools on social media platforms. This collaborative approach not only promotes continuous learning and improvement but also helps businesses build a strong network of support and guidance. In summary, the main challenges of using and spreading marketing tools on social media platforms can be addressed through a combination of comprehensive training programs, clear guidelines and policies, senior management support, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability, and collaboration with industry peers. By adopting a systematic and strategic approach, organizations can effectively navigate the legal and regulatory landscapes, overcome censorship mechanisms, and fully realize the potential marketing benefits offered by social media platforms.
Discussion and coclusion: Small and medium enterprises play a vital role in driving economic and social growth in societies due to their innovative nature and rapid growth. Given this, it becomes imperative to establish a robust infrastructure that supports their development, including the implementation of effective advertising and marketing tools through email and social media platforms. As the competition in the small business market intensifies, the pressure from competitors also increases significantly, which in turn escalates the level of competition within the industry. In light of this, diversifying marketing channels and capitalizing on the hidden opportunities within the industry becomes a crucial strategy for maintaining a competitive edge. By exploring and leveraging these opportunities, SMEs can effectively navigate the competitive landscape, attract a wider customer base, and ultimately achieve long-term success in their respective industries. Therefore, it is essential for SMEs to adapt their marketing strategies to embrace the diverse range of marketing channels available, ensuring they are not solely reliant on a single approach for reaching their target audience. This approach will allow SMEs to tap into the untapped potentials of various platforms, such as social media and email marketing, which have proven to be effective tools for engaging with customers and driving business growth. Hence, by leveraging these marketing channels, SMEs can effectively enhance their brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately contribute to the overall economic and social development of societies.
