Conceptualization of the cultural context and physical dimensions of the logo in the top brands of the football industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Aim and Introduction: while the psychological perception of the people of the logos is influenced by different variables such as the origin of culture , this topic has been studied and studied . according to this theoretical gap , the present research deals with the concept of cultural context processing and the dimensions of the physical identity of the logo and its effects on the brand equity in the world football premier league .
Methodology: in terms of purpose, in order to develop the concept of brand and criteria and elements of brand value , this study is in the field of development research . the data collection tool is library study and collection of documents . The reason for choosing this number of brands(51 top brands of samples) and the type of brands that were used in this research is the basis of brand ranking, which is given to these brands based on the special brand franchise approach, and it can be used as a basis for review. The target society in this research is all the football clubs in the world that have an organizational structure and have a logo. The separation of the countries related to each brand belonging to the sample was done based on Edward Hall's cultural context classification, then the components that make up the physical identity of the logo, which include the format, background color, text color, and symbols and shapes used in the logo, were identified. The format of identified logos includes three types: geometric, image and text. The background and text colors of the logo are divided into two classes of warm and cold colors, and the symbols used in most logos are divided into three biological, abstract and historical categories. The content and items stated for each of the research variables were confirmed by the opinion of experts in the fields of design and painting, photography and management. Data analysis has been done using SPSS22 software. The non-parametric chi-square test has been used to determine the amount and type of relationship between research variables that include both qualitative and quantitative variables.
Finding: the findings confirm this fact that there is a significant relationship at the 5% error level between the type of cultural context of the origin of the brand and the symbol And there is a level of 0.10 with the color used in the logo field And there is no significant relationship between the type of cultural context and other components of the logo. In examining the relationship between brand components and brand value , it was found that at the 5 % error level , there is only a significant relationship between the logo symbol and brand value , and no significant relationship can be seen between other logo components and brand value.
Discussion and coclusion:As The reason for choosing this number of brands and the type of brands that were used in this research is the basis of brand ranking, which is given to these brands based on the special brand franchise approach, and it can be used as a basis for review. The target society in this research is all the football clubs in the world that have an organizational structure and have a logo. The separation of the countries related to each brand belonging to the sample was done based on Edward Hall's cultural context classification, then the components that make up the physical identity of the logo, which include the format, background color, text color, and symbols and shapes used in the logo, were identified. The format of identified logos includes three types: geometric, image and text. The background and text colors of the logo are divided into two classes of warm and cold colors, and the symbols used in most logos are divided into three biological, abstract and historical categories. The content and items stated for each of the research variables were confirmed by the opinion of experts in the fields of design and painting, photography and management. Data analysis has been done using SPSS22 software. The non-parametric chi-square test has been used to determine the amount and type of relationship between research variables that include both qualitative and quantitative variables.
In summary, it can be claimed that the cultural origin provided the basis for the formation of the symbols used in the club logo, so it can be referred to as an "organic logo" that was created and existed from the origin of the brand.
On the other hand, the findings show the fact that there was not enough evidence to claim that the cultural context had an effect on the choice of color. This problem can be affected by the fact that probably the estimated physiological effects of color, as well as the issues of aesthetics, harmony, etc., are considered preferable to psychological and perceptual effects.
