Analyzing the Role of Environmental Advertising Campaigns in -Promoting Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: Providing a Framework for Applying Social Marketing

Document Type : مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

5 Assistant Professor of Motor Behavior-Sports Sciences, Department of Motor Behavior and Sports Biomechanics, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.


1.Aim and introduction: Different governments formulate specific environmental policies that cover different social levels to limit the impact of climate change. Because, according to international studies, global warming is increasing, countries are not meeting key goals in global climate agreements, and humans must act quickly to avoid a climate change catastrophe. Social marketing can provide an effective approach to design and implement environmental programs, which can help how governments and government departments develop and choose public policies. Social marketing can also create lasting relationships with citizens and other stakeholder organizations. In addition, social marketing researchers can make a major contribution by developing and empirically evaluating usable strategies (interventions) to support the achievement of environmental sustainable development goals (SDG). According to the social marketing approach, in addition to market-based regulations and incentives, policymakers can use environmental advertising campaigns to encourage compliance with environmental policies. Therefore, according to the explanations provided, since reducing and adapting to global warming is one of the most important issues of the current human era, in this study, by analyzing the role of social marketing based on the effectiveness of environmental advertising campaigns in promoting environmental citizenship behaviors, a structured overview of when, why and how environmental advertising campaigns can improve environmental citizen behavior is presented. Also, a critical analysis of previous social marketing research on how to achieve changes in environmental citizen behavior and recommendations for social marketing researchers and professionals on how to design and implement social marketing programs based on effective environmental advertising campaigns at the individual level and Also, how to use environmental advertising campaigns more persuasively is provided. The basic question of this research is what is the framework of using social marketing in the role of environmental advertising campaigns in promoting environmental citizenship behaviors?

Methodology: The present study is a mixed-method qualitative research that employed the "framework synthesis" method, a subset of the design science paradigm. Framework synthesis is a systematic review method that has gained popularity in recent studies by adapting framework analysis techniques. Unlike inductive approaches, framework synthesis utilizes a deductive approach. The framework synthesis process consists of five steps: familiarization, selection of the framework, indexing, diagramming and mapping, and interpretation.
Finding: Although many environmental social marketing programs claim to utilize the Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) framework in their design, they often do not fully implement CBSM principles at either the academic or professional level. Consequently, many programs fail to achieve the desired impact, resulting in limited effectiveness. This study analyzes and highlights specific weaknesses related to the application of the CBSM framework in previous environmental social marketing initiatives. It presents research evidence on the influence of cognitive biases—such as reduction, perceptions of control, denial, defensive avoidance, and reaction—along with emotions like fear and hope, and expectations regarding the intentions of communication sources and social norms, on the effectiveness of environmental advertising campaigns. These findings serve as a tool to promote environmentally responsible behaviors. If social and psychological processes are overlooked in the design of environmental advertising campaigns, the messages conveyed may yield counterproductive results. Furthermore, within the framework of social marketing, benchmarking criteria should be employed as a guide for the design, implementation, and evaluation of environmental social marketing programs. Additionally, innovative methods, including neuromarketing techniques such as EEG, EMG, ET, fNIRS, and fMRI, should be integrated into formative research, along with new theories to better understand the barriers and benefits associated with target behaviors.
Discussion and coclusion: Effective interventions that promote environmental citizenship behavior should target specific actions and audiences. They must be designed based on robust theoretical frameworks to address obstacles and highlight benefits. This includes developing tailored strategies informed by previous stages, conducting experimental studies, and implementing large-scale interventions and evaluations. Consequently, this study addresses criticisms from some authors regarding the perceived ineffectiveness of social marketing in combating climate change. While social marketing is often viewed as a framework for creating behavior change programs, it is not always effective in modifying behavior directly. Additionally, the results indicate that it is essential to consider psychological and social barriers when implementing environmental campaigns.

The involvement of celebrities—such as musicians, actors, athletes, and subject matter experts—in the design of environmental advertising campaigns is recommended. Additionally, employing innovative methods in formative research and new theories to comprehend the barriers and advantages of the target audience's behavior can provide valuable insights for planners and policymakers.
Persuasive technology, including immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and computer games, presents innovative opportunities to promote environmental citizenship. Although these technologies have been developed and have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, further research is necessary to comprehend their potential impact on individuals' actions in social marketing and environmental citizenship behavior.


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