A Model for relationship management with fintech and financial startups in banking industry



Todays, with the growth of competition in the banking industry, on the one hand, and the development and change of customer needs on the other hand, banks have been continuously seeking to provide modern banking services and to exploit new technologies. One of the new technologies that we have seen in the past few years in the banking industry is the Fintech and financial startups that have brought about widespread change in the industry. Therefore, the relationship between banks and Fintechs   is of increasing complexity and needs to be reviewed, improved and managed.
This paper, with a qualitative approach and with the method of foundation data theory, seeks to uncover the relationship management model for Fintechs  with the banking industry in providing banking services. In this regard an open interview with 13  experts were performed. Analysis of data in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding resulted in identifying 389 initial codes and 36 concepts in the form of 16 categories. Finally, based on that model, the paradigm model for linking banks with Fintechs  and financial startups was formed. This pattern includes the causal conditions that have been classified into two categories of micro and macro factors, contextual conditions encompass the circle of environmental factors and organizational characteristics as mediator conditions. also the consequences of this relationship < /span> are categorized in three categories of financial, process, learning and growth. to the extracted model, the identified strategies for this relationship < /span> are: creation, purchase, investment alliances, or lease of financial services from the company - financial technology companies, as well as the central category of this research, a process of three solutions that include exploration and evaluation of financial technology, selection and development


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