Lived experience Consumers in online stores based on the Stimulator-Organism-Response Framework (SOR)



In this study, based on the stimulus-organism-response framework (SOR), to develop a comprehensive framework of consumer experience in the field of online retailers, examining the impact of online store environment elements (web quality and brand Web site) as forecasting for emotional responses and cognitive (trust and perceived risk) and behavioral responses of consumers (want to buy) are discussed. In this context, the relationship between trust and perceived risk for interactions is intended. This study is applied and the method of data collection, descriptive and correlational. The study of population, students of Bahonar University who visit the site at least once in the product have digikaka. A population was stratified for each 330 samples and data were collected using a questionnaire and structural equation modeling software to help Amos was investigated. The results show that the elements of the environment elements through trust and perceived risk and significant indirect effect on purchase intention of students. In addition, the results reveal that the relationship between trust and perceived risk in the form of a cross.


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